User Administration

This section is covering user administration.


If you don’t have the permission to manage other users, you don’t see the Authentication and Authorization Section.


If you have deployed DMP to Heroku, the password you used for the superuser account was written in plain text to the config variables. It is strongly recommended that you change the password upon the first login.


Superusers should not do everyday tasks. Create staff users.

You add users by clicking on + add link for the users in the Authentication and Authorization. The following view is shown:


Add User view

Add a username and a password twice and click on Save and continue editing. Then, in the next view, add additional data.


Change User view


Passwords are not visible, and not saved in plaintext. To change a password for another user, use this form link.

Staff status has to be set for all users of Django-Music-Publisher, and they have to be assigned to an appropriate permission group. Two permission groups are set during installation:

  • Publishing staff gives all permissions required for everyday publishing work
  • Publishing audit gives read-only permissions to all data in Music Publisher module

Select one of them and click on the icon that will move it to chosen groups. Then you can click on save.


User list view

You will be taken to the user list view. All users are shown here. Just as the add and change views, list views are quite standard. They will be covered a bit later.

Now you can log out, and log in as the newly added staff user. The home view is a bit different, according to the assigned permissions.