

Django-Music-Publisher is primarily software for music publishers. It can store metadata about recordings, but not audio files.

Add/Change view

There are three ways to add or edit recordings in DMP, in order of importance:

  • in add/change view of musical works, in section Recordings
  • in add/change view of releases (commercial and library), through pop-ups in tracks
  • in add/change view of recordings (described here)

The first exists because that is the most natural way for publishers to add them. The second exists because recordings are released on releases (albums, products) as tracks. The last, for consistent user experience.


Add recording

Compared to the Recordings section in add work view, there is only one additional field at the top, where the work can be chosen or added through a popup.


DMP only supports recordings based on a single musical works. The link between a recording and the underlying musical work is required.


Recording title should only be used if the title is different than the work title. Version title should only be used if different from the recording title. The use of suffixes is explained in works, section Alternative titles. section.

ISRC is International Standard Recording Code.

Record label, recording artist, duration and release date are obvious. Duration can be entered in seconds or in HH:MM:SS format. It will always be shown in the latter format.


Audio field is for uploading audio files. DMP currently only supports MP3 files.

List view


Recording list view

Recording list view provides a nice overview, with search and filter capabilities and links for work, recording artist and record label.